Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Vendor Management Best Practices: why less is more...

In light of our presentation this Saturday at the Vendor Management Seminar in Las Vegas (organized by our friends from IMTT and VMS), we have decided to talk about vendor/client relationships and what makes them successful over time. We are looking at the relationship from different angles:
- the perspective of our translation and localization vendors and our own experience since some of us started as vendors
- the perspective of Project and Vendor Managers
- the company's perspective, since we are after all also vendors to our customers.

Since there are a few days left before the conference, we wanted to open the discussion to vendors who might not be able to attend the seminar and ask for their input. What in your opinion makes successful client-vendor relationships?

The floor is yours... Please use the comments section below or email us at info @ beatbabel.com if you want to share your thoughts and have your ideas included in the seminar. Looking forward to hearing from you!

PS: BeatBabel will be tweeting from the Vendor Management Seminar so that you can follow it "live". Just look out for the Twitter keyword #imtt_vms. We will also post our presentation on our website after the event: http://www.beatbabel.com/Articles/Pages/Default.aspx

The BeatBabel Team
